18 July 2010

Updated Reading List

Lately, I've had several requests for a list of recommended books. I figured posting the list here would probably make it accessible to the most people.

How to describe this list? These books shaped my professional development, captured my imagination and influenced the way I see the world. I've consistently recommended each one to people who are looking to make a difference and do things differently. I hope you find something interesting & helpful - as for where to start, they're all good. Start anywhere. Or drop me an email (or comment) and let me know what you're looking for, and maybe I can make a more personalized recommendation.

Happy Reading!

Alternative approaches to organizational structures & leadership
Orbiting the Giant Hairball, by Gordon MacKenzie
The Birth of the Chaordic Age, by Dee Hock
Losing My Virginity, by Richard Branson
Maverick, by Ricardo Semler
Reimagine, by Tom Peters
The Abilene Paradox, by Jerry Harvey
How Come Every Time I Get Stabbed In The Back, My Fingerprints Are On The Knife, by Jerry Harvey
Love and Profit, by James Autry
Up The Organization, by Robert Townsend

Military / Air Force issues
Boyd, by Coram
Pentagon Wars, by James Burton

Creativity, Marketing & Presentations
Ignore Everybody, by Hugh MacLeod (a book about creativity)
Understanding Comics, by Scott McCloud
Presentation Zen, by Garr Reynolds (want to give better presentations? Start here)
A Whole New Mind, by Dan Pink
Fascinate, by Sally Hogshead

Thoughts on Career Development & Transition
Crossing The Unknown Sea, by David Whyte
Radical Careering, by Sally Hogshead
The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, by Dan Pink

Short Reads
ReWork, by Fried & Hansson
The Peter Principle, by Lawrence Peter
The Simplicity Cycle, by Dan Ward (Download for FREE!)

Long Reads
The Fifth Discipline, by Peter Senge
The Reflective Practitioner, by Donald Schon

1 comment:

Jim Baker said...

There are some excellent books on the list.

As a young Lt in Systems Command,
I wonder if I would have been reading stuff like this.

Do others at O-5 and above read these also.