One of the truisms of program management is that the answer to just about any question is "It depends." So I had to chuckle as I was leaving one of the buildings on the Defense Acquisition University campus and this little marble pillar caught my eye.
There it was, engraved for all time, the answer to every program management question.
Class dismissed.
Incidentally, that is also the answer to every probability and statistics question.
While it's nice to see written in stone, and it is literally true, it's also damn frustrating. It's kind of like the grammatically punctilious who asked "do you want X or Y" say "yes". At it's worst it's a holier-than-thou answer. I guess you hit a hot button.
@dc - Yeah, it can certainly be used to dodge the question, to avoid thinking and/or hide an inadequate understanding... I just thought it was kinda hilarious that they actually carved it into this little marble post.
I thought the answer was "42."
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